For Rent. Just inside we see a dumpster with For Rent signs on the houses on either side:
Some houses are still for sale; here are two, for $112,656 and $113,576:
Looking farther down the street, there's a portapotty, a dumpster, a for sale sign, a pile of gravel, and what looks like another portapotty:
I like the dumpster. At least that means they're maybe not burying building debris in the yards. There are more pictures in the flickr set, which was taken by John S. Quarterman on 15 June 2010.
So, there are houses still being built, houses built and not yet sold, and at least several houses for rent, including a sign right out on the main drag visible before you even go in. There's nothing wrong with houses being for rent. And off of North Oak Street Extension may be a good place for them, with water and sewer, and near to jobs in Valdosta.
However, there's nothing remotely like this on Old Pine Road or in Bemiss. Not a single neighboring landowner spoke up for the Glen Laurel development at the developers' proposed density, which is about the same as Greyfield Villas. The room was full of neighbors against.