To: Brad Lofton
From: John S. Quarterman
Cc: [see below]
Subject: Re: VDT EditorialHowdy,
Tiny LAKE is flattered to be asked to repost VDT materials for mighty VLCIA! But to answer your question, this is a blog, not a newspaper, nor a wire service for a newspaper. LAKE also hasn't posted all of the letters to the editor of the VDT pro and con on this subject or others of interest to us.
More basically, you seem to continue to confuse "VLCIA answered" with "the answers satisfied the questioners" or "the answers actually addressed the content of the questions" or "nobody is questioning anymore".
Questions continued to be asked at the VLCIA "Forum" of 6 Dec 2010. I ask again:
when will VLCIA publish the tax-funded videos the city of Valdosta videographer took at that event, now more than a month ago? Why is it that a tiny volunteer-only activist group, LAKE, can do that while the 1-mil-tax-funded VLCIA cannot?Questions continued to you in email, many of which have since been published in the VDT.
Questions continued after that very speech you gave at the First Presbyterian Church that you say you are so proud of. We have videos of those, as well as of your complete talk.
In general, LAKE has published far more material about VLCIA's activities, including almost the entire recent VLCIA board meeting than any other entity recently, including VLCIA itself. We will continue to do so, along with many other topics that are of at least equal interest to us.
If that particular VDT editorial is of interest to VLCIA, why not post it on VLCIA's own In The News page? Or on VLCIA's own facebook page, which was last updated November 15, 2010?
Back in December you wrote:
Thanks for your offer to find a web developer for us, but I am content with the job our staff and current provider are doing at this time.Have they just been occupied with somebody else's web pages, or do you think the tax-funded items I suggested back in December that VLCIA publish on its own web site are not of interest to the public?I do congratulate VLCIA on finally posting a board meeting schedule for 2011.
Will you be adding a picture for Tom Call soon to the VLCIA Staff and Board web page, or should we continue to use the one we found somewhere else?
-jsq for LAKE
------- Original MessageHere's who I copied. -jsq
From: "Brad Lofton"
To: "'John S. Quarterman'"
Subject: VDT Editorial
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 09:27:31 -0500Good morning John:
I was scanning the LAKE blog last night and saw a number of references to editorials and articles from the VDT. I may have missed it, and if so, I apologize, but I was curious why the following link never appeared on the blog. This of course, was the most recent editorial where the VDT went on record stating that all of their biomass concerns had now been answered. Was this an oversight, or was it left off intentionally? It seems to answer some lingering questions regarding sludge, investors, etc and it would probably be beneficial for folks to read. Thanks for your response.
Brad Lofton
Executive Director
Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority
2110 N. Patterson Street, Valdosta, GA
229-259-9972 local
877-259-9972 toll free
229-300-3179 cellVisit us online @
Cc: "John S. Quarterman", "Michael G. Noll", "Mary B. Gooding", "Ricketts, Allan", "Copeland, Roy", "Susan R. Wehling", Kay Harris
I'm sure Mr. Lofton is content with the job his staff is doing informing the public...rather, not informing the public.
When Mr. Lofton communicated via email that he didn't want to energize a public forum for misinformation and when he refused to share the list of private stakeholders with those asking for it, and when local citizens have to go to the State's Attorney General's office to get an Open Records Request taken care of, then it is obvious that the Industrial Authority is not about transparency in government.
Posted by: Question | Thursday, 27 January 2011 at 08:48 AM