« An Expensive Hobby: Gary Minchew's VLCIA parting speech | Main | Brad Lofton wants you to see this (again and again) »

Friday, 07 January 2011


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Children First

It was apparent that the Valdosta Board of Education was not interested in passing a resolution against the Biomass Incinerator which poses extreme health dangers to the children at JL Lomax and Southeast because Ms. Beeland and others themselves or their family members had professional relationships with Industrial Authority board members.

It was very disturbing that the VBOE under Chairman Bill Love's leadership allowed Mr. Lofton and Col. Ricketts 45 minutes to present, during which time they made untrue statements about community leaders being "supporters" which were blatantly untrue. Subsequently the WACE expert witnesses, Dr. Brad Bergstrom at VSU and Dr. Gretchen Bielmyer at VSU, were only given 5 minutes apiece.

This is unacceptable and as Mr. Quarterman teases out all the hidden agendas we can understand why these things are happening.

People on the VBOE board with ties to the VCLIA need to refrain from debate or votes where this issue is concerned. It is called CONFLICT OF INTEREST.

It is really sad when the good-old-boy system takes precedence over the lives of children.

Elect Children's Advocates, Not Industry Reps

Someone with no ties to industry needs to run against Jeena Beeland for the at-large seat.

Maybe Mrs. Noll could be convinced to run against her. I'd much rather have a mother who actually cares more for children's health than industry profits to be making decisions for the children in the VBOE system.

Leigh Touchton

I was told by people in the community that Mr. Wright has been employed by Gary Minchew. If this is true, then why did Mr. Wright vote to reappoint Mr. Minchew to the VLCIA? I hope someone will confirm the situation. I asked Mr. Wright publicly if this were true and he refused to answer and then he blocked my email address.

Does anyone in the community know?

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