From: Russ Anderson
Date: Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:11 AM
Subject: Mr. Paulk. My apologies and clarifications
To: [email protected]Dear Commissioner Paulk,
It seems that we got off on the wrong foot. I have recently been notified that some of the content within the email I sent to you and other commissioners January 3rd 2011 regarding the biomass Plant were taken as a personal attack towards you and perceived as having "veiled threats". I’m sorry about that and I apologize for the perceived hostility.
I was also told that in a private conversation, after the {1/11/11} commission meeting, you referred to me by name as a threat similar to the “Virginia Tech Shooter.” That is a very personal (and misinformed) attack and I would appreciate/request a retraction of that statement. Like everyone, I was absolutely appalled when that tragedy occurred as I am anytime I see senseless violence committed against anyone.
My motives are to simply attempt to help support the health of Lowndes County residents and our environment. To compare me to the person that committed this atrocious crime is slanderous and a defamation of my character. Such words and perceptions
are what started the long legal battle and subsequent lawsuit against Dr. Zaccari that resulted from the improper expulsion of Mr. Hayden Barnes from VSU. You may think I have a hidden agenda, but I don’t have anything to gain or lose from the building of this plant. My interest, like yours, is in the health and wellness of Lowndes County residents and surrounding environment. I was rather surprised that you had such an opinion of me even after hearing me speak at the County Commissioners meeting on {12/14/11)} where I introduced myself and I told you about the basis of my concerns. To refresh you on my comments I have attached a typed copy of my testimony from that evening.The attached document and other related items are on the LAKE site under topics, biomass, Fiery Roots. -jsqThe frustration you picked up on in my email was a result of the paternalistic attitudes of your public statements regarding the biomass incineration plant. You went so far as to essentially say “its done, move on” to the readers of the Valdosta Daily Times. When there are still many health concerns and inconsistencies that have not been adequately addressed within the discussed project, it is hard to hear decision makers affirm that they have no say in how this project continues even if it does harm to the people living in the community. Thousands of people in hundreds of communities share my concerns across this country and internationally. As a man of the law I would hope that you would be receptive to information that could potentially save the community you serve from very real health and environmental risks.
I would again like to apologize for my perceived hostility and hope that we can put these negative perceptions behind us and have a more proactive relationship in the future. I would also like to acknowledge that my words and testimonies are my own and are not affiliated with the organization or members of Wiregrass Activists for Clean Energy or any other organization or political party.
Russell Anderson
The Fiery Roots U.S.A. Project
When a public official thinks that "recall" or "vote out of office" is a veiled threat, and then turns around and threatens a law-abiding taxpayer with arrest for speaking during the public participation phase of an Open Public Meeting then it is obvious where the problem actually lies, and it is not with you, Russell.
Posted by: Leigh Touchton | Monday, 24 January 2011 at 09:20 AM