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Sunday, 13 March 2011


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Nice haircut.


Oh this story just stinks.

Leigh Touchton

So my question is which one is telling the truth: Mr. Kicklighter and Effingham IA Board or Mr. Lofton?

I have seen emails from Mr. Lofton in which he misrepresents the Sierra Club position on biomass numerous times, even though he's been shown the facts, and I hope Mr. Quarterman will post the Georgia Sierra Club letter that was sent to Mr. Lofton asking him to stop misrepresenting their position on biomass. I've seen Mr. Lofton misrepresent the "expert credibility" of paid biomass endorsers like Dr. Christopher Teaf. Mr. Lofton accused people of "slander" when they pointed out the numerous documentations on the internet that call Dr. Teaf's credibility into question, like extensive journalistic coverage by a newspaper reporter named Hauserman in Florida, much was published in Tallahassee Democrat when Dr. Teaf endorsed the Tallahassee biomass boondoggle that was sent packing when the Tallahasse grand jury launched corruption probes. I've seen Mr. Lofton's emails wherein he offers to "partner" with a local man who refers to me as the KKK. I've seen Mr. Lofton's unprofessional emails wherein he insults local citizens and a nationally renowned pediatrician. I've seen Mr. Lofton give public presentations and misrepresent local ministers and citizens as "supporters" of the biomass boondoggle when they were unequivocally opposed to it. I've seen Mr. Lofton give powerpoint presentations in which he attempts to characterize various Valdosta entities like Valdosta State University and Moody Air Force Base as supporters of this biomass boondoogle when they are not. I've seen video of his presentations in which he ridicules the NAACP.

Given all that I've personally witnessed from Mr. Lofton, as well as the copious email record, I simply do not believe him. He has failed to do due diligence, since he didn't even know that the community closest to the proposed incinerator had been designated an Environmental Justice community by the EPA, the same EPA that he keeps saying "approves" biomass, even though numerous biomass incinerators have been blocked by using EPA rules and regulations. He failed to acknowledge any expert opinions except those of industry officials with whom he was interacting in Atlanta when he attended biomass conferences put on by Golder Associates and other industry representatives at posh, upscale Atlanta conference centers.

An Executive Director of an Industrial Authority has a duty to look into all aspects of an industry and consider the public welfare. Jobs which can kill children and elderly are not jobs that Valdosta needs.

I'm very happy Mr. Lofton is leaving Valdosta, however, I have informed the Myrtle Beach NAACP what they can probably expect when he gets there.

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

This SIerra Club letter?

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

Ah, this letter: http://lake.typepad.com/on-the-lake-front/2011/03/we-would-appreciate-it-if-our-position-was-no-longer-misrepresented-georgia-sierra-club.html

Leigh Touchton

Mr. Quarterman, do you know if the VLCIA has non-compete agreements for its employees? Because Mr. Lofton asked a friend of mine who owns an award-winning Valdosta business to relocate to Myrtle Beach with him. If I understood the various newspaper articles correctly, he is on VLCIA payroll until April 15?

I hope no Valdosta businesses relocate to Myrtle Beach with him, except the private prison and biomass. He has my encouragement to take those with him.

PS My friend told him to (colorful metaphor).

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

I don't know anything about the details of their contracts, but it sounds like maybe the public should know about them.
I think the VDT said Lofton's last day was yesterday or today.
Somebody should investigate how many of the great projects he said he left in gear in Effingham County ever actually happened.
Myrtle Beach might watch to see how many of the great projects he says he got in gear here ever actually happen.

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