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Friday, 11 March 2011


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Good grief, the Industrial Authority Board which included Crawford Powell and Gary Minchew at the time, as well as Mary Gooding and Jerry Jennett and Roy Copeland, hired a guy who was asked to resign from his previous job? Good grief.

Leigh Touchton

Congratulations, Mr. Quarterman, for breaking this story, I believe you scooped the Valdosta Daily Times? Awesome news coverage, thank you for your diligence in covering this issue for our community.

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

I actually wasn't the one who got the google alert; remember LAKE is more than one person. But you're welcome. -jsq

Jon Parris

Myrtle Beach's loss is our gain! :-/

Watched "All The President's Men" for the first time in years last evening... I nearly wept, thinking of what we've lost in terms of outstanding journalism/media.

LAKE and similar independent media are filling the gap in an AMAZING way... but think of what could happen with that mindset + financial resources like a newspaper or TV station...*!*

Keep up the great work, JSQ & LAKE!

Karen Noll

Wow, Brad is gettin while the gettins good!! And man, oh, man I think we all know about the Blue in the Face. Thanks again to LAKE and its 'staff' for keeping the knowledge flowing!!

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

You're welcome. LAKE would be ecstatic if the traditional media would do what LAKE is doing; as noted in a comment on the previous post, I tipped off the VDT immediately after posting that one. The VDT has actually been pretty good on VLCIA issues, especially for about the past six months, and WCTV and WALB have from time to time pitched in. Also, we continually suggest to local government that they should video their own meetings and put them on the web. Meanwhile, the more material people send us, the more LAKE can post. -jsq
PS: Jon, you bring up an interesting topic about financial resources and business model, which is something that probably needs exploring. For now, the main thing is many hands make light work; send us what you've got; we don't promise to post everything, but the more we get, the more we can post.

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