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Thursday, 10 March 2011


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Barbara Stratton

Strange that the article makes it look like the cited energy plant that uses biomass is up & running & utilizing fed renewable energy credits. Last time I asked ground had not been broken & there seems to be a promise to name biomass suppliers as well as paying customers for the generated energy before ground is broken. Am I thinking about the same biomass plant? Of course there are those GA senators who are proposing a bill that will make it illegal to ask govt intities to divulge info on investors or customers for businesses they make deals with. Wonder if that will speed things up? Such a law would definitely be a backward movement for openess in government.


I had a feeling that Mr. Lofton wasn't going to stay here to raise his children and maybe that's why all the medical documentation about the health risks of biomass made no impact on him. He'll probably try to bring a biomasss incinerator to Myrtle Beach. Maybe the Myrtle Beach public officials will read this blog and take a look at all his unprofessional emails, but then they might not hire him, and we'd be stuck with him. Sorry Myrtle Beach, but this guy will probably bring polluting industry to your neighborhood and nothing you show him will ever change his mind that it is indeed polluting industry--I guess because before he has to live with it he'll move somewhere else. Good grief.

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

ValdostaToday has posted a link to NewsTalk, which has yesterday's story (or at least a link to the Myrtle Beach newspaper), but still not today's story (see next post). Still nothing in the VDT. -jsq

George Boston Rhynes

Never, never, ever be shocked by Valdosta and South Georgia News Media Whiteout Machines. This includes local Television, News Papers, Radio, and our elected officials that are on the wrong side of history. This pattern and practice of keeping citizens deaf; dumb, and blind to the times as to what takes place at public meetings in own community and in the State of Georgia is no secret.

Omissions such as these; has become a Highly, Honorable, and Respected South Georgia Tradition here in the Bible belt. Just be thankful; for the few of us; that did not consume that purple tea. Nor did we attend the party; where this purple tea was being served; apparently to contribute to the destruction and down fall of our beloved Republic.

So in conclusion! Let us all continue to love these new patriots and Christians following the election of President Barack Obama in 2008.

Peace, love, and overstanding always! G.B.R.

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

Video of George speaking to the Valdosta City Council about the MLK monument is here: http://lake.typepad.com/on-the-lake-front/2011/01/district-numbers-and-mlk-repairs-george-rhynes.html
Video of Larry Hanson talking about that is here: http://lake.typepad.com/on-the-lake-front/2011/01/district-numbers-and-mlk-repairs-george-rhynes.html

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

FYI: I tipped off the VDT immediately after I posted this item, so they've known about it almost as long as LAKE has. Who knows? Maybe they're doing an in-depth investigative report. -jsq

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