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Saturday, 19 March 2011


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matthew richard

thank god, this bozo is leaving town . . . what might he have done next? how about a casino? or how 'bout we store spent nuclear fuel rods? maybe we should import garbage or medical waste? valdosta will remain a cultural backwater as long as we allow this kind of thinking to continue. get lost, lofton--the sooner the better.

matthew richard

if any city planners read this blog, have a look at this clip of portland, or, where development is done with people in mind: http://www.makingsenseofplacefilms.com/portland.html

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

As Dr. Dorfman of UGA has said:
* Sociologists are finding that today more and more high skill workers are choosing where to live first, then finding jobs.
* Because businesses want high skill workers, they follow these workers to places with good quality of life.
* If you attract good workers, good jobs follow.

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