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Wednesday, 30 March 2011


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Malcolm Smith

> For comparison, Scotland has about 370,000 households.

Not only can you not read, you also obviously have not even the vaguest idea of what the population of Scotland is.

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

Thanks for the catch; it's always refreshing when someone actually looks at the numbers. Fixed now.
There's still some ambiguity about what "homes" means: is it the same as General Record Office's "households"? Probably not exactly.
Regarding population, scotland.org says 5,168,500 but doesn't seem to say for when or from what source. GRO says 5,194,000 for mid-year 2009.
For comparison, U.S. Census mid-year 2009 estimate for Georgia is 9,829,211. Yet Scotland is far more comprehensive and serious about planning for renewable energy than Georgia.

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