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Friday, 25 March 2011


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Karen Noll

Land bought with our tax money leased (??) using other tax money. Very shady!!
The IA should sell it to them for the same amount that they bought it for. The IA should not be landlords for the college that is absurd for a number of reasons. Most importantly, the college is not an industry but rather it trains individuals for industry jobs in this area (ideally).

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

Good point about the Industrial Authority taking tax money to rent tax-bought land. More like tax-mortgaged land, since it was bought with money from bonds that they're still paying off, and that the county co-guaranteed: http://lake.typepad.com/on-the-lake-front/2011/03/fiduciary-responsibility-of-lcc-to-oversee-vlcia-john-s-quarterman.html
Despite what their board says, they're not just industry, according to their own charter: http://lake.typepad.com/on-the-lake-front/2011/02/authority-should-listen-to-other-sources-john-s-quarterman.html

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