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Sunday, 10 April 2011


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Hypocrisy Anyone

Looks like another ploy to make sure citizens don't participate. From "no more biomass" ... to "only three on any given topic" ... to "only three on any given topic ... but we'll make sure you have to sit through the rest of it."

It is time these arrogant guys were booted

Recall Election

Exactly what I was thinking. Best way to limit Citizen Participation, which they don't really want--I mean, have you ever heard of a County Commission Chairman who threatened to arrest a taxpayer for daring to come out to their own Commission meeting and trying to speak during the regularly appointed time? You know, THE WAY ASHLEY PAULK DID TO DR. NOLL.

It's not the WACE folks that need to build credibility with these arrogant politicians, it's the exact opposite. They need to go. All of them.

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