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Tuesday, 05 April 2011


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Thank You

Thank you, Mr. Quarterman, for this excellent coverage. Valdosta citizens are indebted to you. Thank you.

Ethics in Government

The entire Industrial Authority Board needs to be removed because they:

1. Hired Brad Lofton even though there were serious questions related to his firing from Effingham County
2. Erroneously maintained their website to reflect that Lofton was "employed" when in fact he had been fired by Effingham
3. Hired Allan Ricketts whom the Valdosta Daily Times publicly questioned as to whether he provided false documents in answer to their Open Records Request.

I think it's outrageous that Mr. Ricketts accused the Valdosta Daily Times' reporter of "false reporting."

I'm particularly disgusted that one of the Industrial Authority board members is a local attorney (Roy Copeland) who ought to know some basics about Open Records Requests if Steve Gupton (the Industrial Authority attorney of record) doesn't know what it means when a newspaper publicly questions whether a government agency produced false documents.

We need to call in the Georgia Attorney General for an investigation. Shame on all of the Industrial Authority, SHAME.

And what's up with Mary Gooding? She works at Valdosta State University which has a Code of Ethics and she's involved in this mess? If I were Mary Gooding, I'd be resigning and abandoning this sinking ship, because the next thing is they are going to start pointing their fingers at each other trying to blame someone other than him or herself for this mess.

I bet next there will be some crazy story about who did what and why they left...you know, like what the Effingham newspaper reported when Lofton was fired from that job.

Shame on all of them.

PS. Tom Call, if I were you, I'd get out NOW. Why stay associated with this mess? Save your reputation, resign and tell them and Valdosta citizens that you want no part of this mess.

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