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Wednesday, 04 May 2011


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Leigh Touchton

What NAACP has advocated for is cultural competency from our teachers, this is not necessarily a black or white issue. Often it's more a matter of class than race; for example, far too many middle class teachers expect middle class behavior from children who are living in poverty and this is an unfair expectation. There are also deep-seated issues regarding black males that cultural competency won't address: namely, that many black teenaged males don't see any benefit to a high school education because so many of their family members cannot find work here in Valdosta. What's the point to an education if one is still shut out of most successful careers?

Consolidation won't be the magic bullet that solves these problems, there aren't even any CUEE representatives speaking to these issues. To most of our members, we think these issues will get worse rather than better if the two systems were to merge.

Karen Noll

I completely agree with Alex Rowell. What is the purpose of consolidation/'unification'? Is the purpose to desegregate the two school districts? If so, how will the new school district deal with the issues that Leigh Touchton brings up with regard to education not serving black male students. How will a larger school district better meet the needs of a much more diverse student body? Furthermore, What do the parents in the county think about desegregation of their distict? (Because if they don't want it, there is no doubt that 'unification' will be a disaster for ALL)
OR is the purpose to reduce cost by reducing administrators in the head office? If that is the purpose where are the students in this decision.

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