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Thursday, 16 June 2011


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Tim Carroll

At the June 23rd city council meeting, the city will vote to adopt the proposed budget. Citizens will have an opportunity to speak at this meeting. The budget is $2.9M higher than last year, but still at our 2005-06 levels by comparison. No tax increase, no lay-offs or furloughs, no utility/sanitation rate increases and pay raises for 5 year service anniversaries for staff. Still lowest cost for services and taxes of ALL comparable size cities in Georgia.
Do you know of any grant funds we could look at for solar panel conversion on some buildings?
I will inquire with staff on this as well.
Thanks for posting on LAKE.

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

Tim, DSIRE has most of what I know about GA solar incentives: http://www.dsireusa.org/incentives/index.cfm?getRE=1?re=undefined&ee=1&spv=0&st=0&srp=1&state=GA
There's also the Georgia Solar Energy Association http://www.gasolar.org/index.php
They have a page on incentives: http://www.gasolar.org/georgia_solar_incentives.php
You may also notice Hannah Solar among GSEA's sponsors. Hannah Solar knows quite a bit about incentives; their CEO Pete Marte was at the governor's signing of the recent expansion of state incentives. More about HB 346: http://lake.typepad.com/on-the-lake-front/2011/05/georgia-clean-energy-tax-credits-yes-they-are-available.html
It might be worth talking to Georgia Power. Their new CEO claims to be "bullish on solar", they just connected Wiregrass Solar's plant in Valdosta, and they're doing various "experiments" and "demonstrations". Maybe they need to do a demonstration above Valdosta City Hall's parking lot....

Sara swain

that is really sad to hear, we are always going to are meeting here in Birmingham. last year we got the council to commit to increasing investment in green technologies like solar PV cells, now all government owned building will have solar panels by 2020.

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