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Friday, 01 July 2011


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An Outsider Looking In

Below - an email from 2008 - regarding an open records request for Ag Animal Protection's Licensee/Establishment List - one that I have had emailed to me numerous times - at no charge.
But look what they tried (and failed) to do to one emailer:
(Spoiler: Can you say "illegal"?)


—– Forwarded Message —-
From: “
To: “[email protected]
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 1:59:42 PM
Subject: FW: asking for lists please – 4th request now

Mr. Jones, your request for additional information has been forwarded to me for handling. The additional information is too large to send via e-mail. There are 361 pages. With that in mind, you will be assessed fees for the following:

$0.25 per page X 361 = $90.25

Administrative Fee:

Which includes search & retrieval cost based on Ms. Mitchellʼs salary of $15.86 per hour; with an estimated time of 5 hrs, totaling $79.30.

Supervisory Fee for Mary Greene, Director to review information before sending out – $32.65 per hour; with an estimated time of 3 hrs, totaling $97.95.

Postage will have to be calculated

If you are still interested and would like to for us to proceed, please let me know. At that time, an exact cost will be quoted to you. Once we receive your check, your information will be mailed to you.


An Outsider Looking In

So if the investigation takes more than 2 years, do the earlier files about it start to vanish? -jsq
Just fyi - they can vanish long before the retention date is up.
To read what the Ga. State Auditor's Office had to report (2000 and 2003) regarding Ag Animal Protection's laxadaisy job performance, among numerous reports that "could not be located", etc.....please visit this link:

An Outsider Looking In

Besides that, I am not sure that Ag can claim that line of "Ongoing Investigation" for an excuse to deny public access to a licensee's entire Ag Animal Protection file folder.

Or should I say, "I am not sure that Ag can CONTINUE claiming that line........"

Since Ag is regulatory, and not a criminal authority, and they have conducted their so called "investigation", and it's supposedly in the hands of a criminal authority...... on what legal basis is Ag denying access to the records.

I mean - I know they are claiming "Ongoing investigation" but I'm questioning if they can, by law, claim that in this case - or in a dozen (and half a dozen more) previous cases.

That might be something that should be looked into, yep, yep.

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