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Tuesday, 16 August 2011


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Tim Carroll

Planning staff is starting to set up the agenda for these updates now. Be on the look out sometime soon for more details. To answer your first question...yes, this is the Greater Lowndes Comp. Plan. All local governments are part of the process. We encourage all citizens to engage in the process.

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

Thanks, Tim. I'm glad to see the City of Valdosta is organizing for citizen input. My point was: where are the other municipalities on this, especially the Lowndes County government? -jsq

Tim Carroll

John, I cannot speak for the other local govs, but feel certain they are gearing up as well. It is all part of keeping our local govs "CLG" or certified local governments. It means we are fully eligible for state grants/funding.
Plus...we are planning for needs, issues and growth. Thanks for getting the word out.

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