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Friday, 23 September 2011


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Barbara Stratton

Am I missing something here. This list does not show the proposed $4,000,000 increase that was proposed for RC11-000095, but remains at $8,000,000. If you add the 2013-2015 funding to the 2016-2019 funding the total is $13,189,176. Is this designed to be non user friendly or am I just clueless? Please be kind when you answer the clueless part.

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

I don't understand it, either. The copy of the Constrained Project List I've got clearly says $12,000,000 for the Old US 41 N project (RC11-000095). I noticed that just after I posted the post we're commenting on, and sent Corey a question about that. I don't see any response from him yet. I just picked up a copy of the Constrained list again directly from the SGRC site: http://www.sgrc.us/transportation/SGRTRoundtable/SouthernDraftConstrainedListReport.pdf It clearly says $12,000,000 for that project. Something is amiss. Awaiting clarification from Corey Hull. -jsq

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