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Wednesday, 12 October 2011


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Barbara Stratton

CUEE can attribute the source of this ad to another committee all they want to. I know that I personally overheard Rusty Griffin telling Myrna Ballard about the ad last Thursday night at the CUEE Education Task Force meeting which I attended as a concerned citizen. Rusty was very excited about the ad & said he expected it to greatly enhance their campaign to unify the black community for consolidation. I told Sam Allen what I heard, but neither of us knew what would be in the ad until it aired Tuesday. Rusty said he had to get a final OK so I was hoping that person would be smarter, but evidently not. Another thing I noticed at the meeting where everyone but me was part of the task force only two people out of the fifteen were from the black community. How does that represent the diversity they preach?

I personally appreciate all the times over the past months Chris Beckham and Frank Barnas have facilitated interviews and call-in discussions for both sides of the consolidation issue. I was on Frank Barnas' show last Monday & have called in several times including twice Tuesday on Chris Beckham's show. They are always considerate listeners & very professional moderators. We are very fortunate to have them and the Black Crow enterprise in our community.

We first saw the cheap shot racist innuendo tactic appear in a Valdosta Daily Times staff editorial. Within a few days the VDT stated they were no longer supporting CUEE (as had been so very evident to all in the preceding months). Just my opinion, but I read between the lines that someone on staff had gotten in trouble for that editorial. Now here we are again with CUEE itself blasting racist propaganda hoping to "unify the black community" to their side. I think they are the true racists for attempting to manipulate the vote their way by undermining the intelligence of the black community and hoping to divide both races trust and allegiance from our common goal of educating our shared children within the safe nurture of local community schools. We need to remember that it is important to give our children wings and roots.

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