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Wednesday, 19 October 2011


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Thanks for keeping truth moving within our world when traditional news sources are seemingly being controlled by a hidden hand behind the door. A hand that is working against the founding fathers and the American people. Moreover, even more sickening is that too many Americans does not even know that they are being controlled. Therefore, please Keep up the great work and just maybe you will be prounced as the real patriot of our beloved Republic! While others will be permitted to play with fire as they destroy themselves without knowing what they are doing. Just keeping it real in the world of my own mind and those that will join me around the real square table! http://www.youtube.com/user/bostongbr#p/u/32/50e_2JtRpFQ G.B.R.

Barbara Stratton

I empathize with your wrongful termination complaint. There are a lot of areas open for abuse within an at will state. Do you have any suggestions on what the state should change to? I would rather live in an at will state than a union state. Unions were very much needed when they were first originated. However, with their leaders making multiple six figure incomes they have become as uncaring about the workers as the origianl abusive companies were. Workers are a means to an end only, namely to line their pockets & empower their lobbying activities. Hopefully there are other choices available? If not, I personally prefer to remain an at will state even though I too have experienced wrongfull termination in the past. Even when you prove wrongful termination in an at will state you don't get compensation except unemployment, but I still would not want to live in a union state.

George Boston Rhynes

Thanks! Ms Stratton, the option of joining a union should be your choice and I agree with that idea. However, if you had been in Bentonville, Arkansas to see and here the truths about what workers re now going through without any means of addressing their issues to America's Largest Retail Giant I do believe any person of average intelligence would agree that NO American worker or a worker in the Republic of China should be terminated for good cause, bad cause or for no cause at all. Then to add to that not given an opportunity to have their valid facts investigated under our form of government. see Walmart bostongbr on you tube for what Paul Harvey calls the rest of the story of truth! Again, thanks! G.B.R.

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