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Saturday, 17 December 2011


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Jessica B. Hughes

I really support this idea. Initially, I was concerned about it, because I know that things like the SCRAM bracelet and the ignition interlock devices are very expensive to install and maintain, especially if you consider the costs involved with probation fees. $213.00/month may not sound like a lot of money to some people, but it is a king's ransom to others (saying $7.00/day makes it seem more manageable). Still, allowing non-violent offenders the opportunity to work and rehabilitate themselves outside of a prison is a big step forward in the philosophy of crime and punishment in this county, in my opinion.

Robert Nagle

An intelligent step, but $7 a day? For $25 worth of hardware? I need to invest in the companies that maintain this equipment, it seems to be a growth industry with huge profits and little risk.

When did justice become a profit center? I understand the value of making miscreants pay for their supervision, but the numbers I hear always sound a bit out of whack with my understanding of true costs.

office supplies

I'm really impressed that this decision was made. At the end of the day, the citizens are the ones who pay for inmates to be jailed so less is always more. Secondly, it could give some offenders a different outlook on the judicial system and possibly eliminate some rebellion and secondary offenses if used properly.

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