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Tuesday, 21 February 2012


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Karen Noll

Thank you for the thorough update about the private prison project that I have received just by reading the material that you and other community members have diligently collected and posted here. Thank you.

Barbara Stratton

Do you know why the county sold this property for less than the assessed price to the current owner in 2007 minus the wetlands that interject? Did they know it would be considered for a private prison at that time? Now the current owner will make the million dollar profit instead of the county. Since this is considered industrial park acerage owned by the county why would the county sell it if an industry/business was not promised at that time? What is the 100 acres the development agreement says the owner will be given? Is that the 119 acres of wetlands? If the county decides not to allow the private prison what happens to the earnest money that has been deposited to date since that would not be an action by the buyer or the seller?

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

Thanks, Karen. As you point out, it takes a community to follow these things. Maybe eventually our local government agencies will become so transparent they'll just tell us. Until then.... -jsq

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