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Saturday, 03 March 2012


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Nancy Parr

This is awsome...thanks for sharing!

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

VDT reports more severe damage farther east, on Beatty Mill Creek Road and through Walker's Crossing to Lakeland:

"A preliminary assessment by Lowndes County Fire-Rescue shows 15 homes severely damaged and uninhabitable, another 10 with moderate damage and five with minor damage, she said.

"The tornado caused light damage to Louis Smith Memorial Hospital in Lakeland and the nearby Lakeland Villa Convalescent Center, according to a press release from South Georgia Medical Center, which owns and operates the Lakeland hospital."


Glad you're safe, John. How are those canopy roads?


Apparently you did not venture out very far at all. In the Walker's Crossing area there are homes heavily damaged. That tree on the house photo is NOTHING!

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

Indeed, we went home, and then it got dark. See first comment above about further damage farther out.

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