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Wednesday, 14 March 2012


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Come on now, Dr. Mark N. Cooper is a Washington lobbyist for the Consumer Federation of America, a Ralph Nader front organization, he is not an unbiased expert. he hates nuclear plants, at least try to be honest with your readers. You can debate wether or not nuke plants are good, cost effective, or even ethical; but at least have an honest conversation and don't just reprint some propaganda from someone with an agenda.

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

"d." addressed none of the issues in the article and wasn't even brave enough to use a real name, while ironically recommending an "honest conversation". -jsq


Funny how you attack me instead of what I stated. So you didn't address my issue. I happen to think nuclear power is a great opportunity for our country to become less dependent on fossil fuels, I'm not a fan of CWIP, I'm sure Georgia power has the ability to fund the plant themselves. My point was you quoted someone with an obvious agenda to try to make your point, and in doing so you undercut your own argument, which I actually agree with. So are you "brave" enough to admit that dr. Cooper is not an unbiased expert as indicated in your post? If you're going to have a blog, don't be so defensive if someone disagrees with something you wrote, and attack the messenger. If you think I am incorrect in my post, then correct me, instead of attacking my "bravery"

 Sample Analysis

Thanks for this clarification. Much helpful content.

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