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Monday, 07 May 2012


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Barbara Stratton

This post was lifted from comments I made to another post and were not intended to stand alone. I am aware my comments are sometimes repositioned to become full posts, which I stand behind. However, my late night/early morning choice of wording would be more carefully selected if I were intentionally contributing a full post. The word extortion, though not entirely incorrect, would have been better served by the choice of embezzlement to describe how the million dollar plus financial transactions were engineered and prosecuted. That said, the rest of the comments represent my concern for the interests of all tax payers and all adults and minors who participate in parks and recreation programs. Although no one likes to re-visit past negative news, we should be certain that proper auditing and interrogatories have been undertaken to assure privitization will be above board and transparency should present proof of said preventative measures to the public.


Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

Remember our submissions policy:
"LAKE may choose any comment to promote to a main post."
And thanks for the clarification of what you meant in your previous comment.

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