Why does Alice Walton want, to the tune of $250,000, for Atlanta to be able to force charter schools on local areas that don't want them?
Wayne Washington wrote for the AJC 14 September 2012, Outside money pours into Georgia for charter amendment fight,
Out-of-state money is fueling the campaign of a group trying to convince Georgia voters to change the state constitution so more charter schools can be approved.
Families for Better Public Schools has raised $486,750, campaign disclosure forms show. About 96 percent of that money has come from donors outside of Georgia.
Donors include Wal-Mart heiress Alice Walton, politically well-connected law firms and for-profit companies that are operating charter schools in Georgia.
Here's the Georgia campaign finance report for Families for Better Public Schools, which shows Alice Walton of Bentonville AR in for $250,000, K12 Inc. of Herndon VA in for $100,000, Charter Schools USA of Ft. Lauderdale FL in for $50,000, also J.C. Huizenga and National Heritage Academies, both of Grand Rapids MI, each in for $25,000. That's $450,000 from those five biggest donors, all out of state.
What about opposition money; where's it coming from?
A coalition of groups opposing the amendment, Vote Smart, has raised $80,951, mostly from traditional school officials like teachers, principals and superintendents who say more charter schools and more state money for them would threaten the funding of already cash-strapped traditional public schools.
So we have big out-of-state money funding demolishing our public schools, and public school people spending some of what little money they have defending them. I know which side I choose. Which side are you on?
Do we want to turn our public schools into private corporate fiefdoms? If not, vote No on the charter school amendment in November.
For-profits are chomping at the bit to take Georgians for a ride. It is expected, as per, John Barge, Superintendent of Georgia schools, that the charter school commission that this amendment would allow can cost us $430million in 5 years. This amendment has absolutely NOTHING to do with school achievement and everything to do with shareholders and profits.
Vote NO on amendment #1 and vote NO to higher taxes and vote NO to bigger government, OH and vote NO to lining the pockets of millionaires with our tax dollars!!
Posted by: Karen Noll | Monday, 24 September 2012 at 09:27 PM