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Friday, 07 December 2012


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Jane Osborn

Is there a way to find out how many jobs that proposed Dollar General might create? That may seem very attractive to tiny Naylor.

Who watches the watchers

Veolia was acquired by Advanced Disposal, there is no conspiracy theory here or a change of vendor than was previously voted for.


Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

Jane, that's one of the questions Dr. Richard asked that wasn't answered: "Any development dollars that are generated are not going to help this area. Dr. Matthew Richard location There's already a convenience store right next door already gone out of business once; that's why I asked about the marketing survey. I don't think Dollar General is going to help that business at all here locally."

Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange

Dear Who, that's why we allow anonymous comments on this blog: occasionally one provides useful information. Now riddle me this: why did the county leave the citizens to guess about Veolia and Advanced Disposal Services of Central Alabama, Inc.? -jsq

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