A surprising amount of discussion at yesterday morning's Lowndes County Commission Work Session,
on ZBOA appointment, alcohol Sunday sales, rezoning next to Moody,
and more.
They said nothing about the solid waste ordinance, however;
maybe they'll table that loser again.
They vote tonight:
327 N. Ashley Street — 2nd Floor
Here's a video playlist of the Work Session, followed by the agenda with the videos linked into it.
Work Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Videos by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 10 December 2012.
Here's the agenda, this time with links to the videos and some notes.
- Call to Order
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
- Minutes for Approval
- Work Session — November 12, 2012
- Regular Session — November 13, 2012
- Appointment - Valdosta/Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals
To replace David Kirk on ZBOA, County Manager Joe Pritchard said there was information on John "Mac" McCall in the board's packets (which we the public don't get to see). Chairman Paulk mentioned Mr. McCall is the son of Rusty McCall, and was the supervising architect for the parking deck at the hospital, and Chairman thought he did a good job. Commissioner Evans asked,
Will he be here tomorrow night?The Chairman said he was sure he could be.
- Ordinances
- Revision to the Lowndes County Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance
Should businesses have to pay an extra license fee just to serve alcohol on Sunday? See separate post.
- Solid Waste Ordinance
Will they table it again? separate post.
- Public Hearings
- REZ-2012-17 Lowndes Development, LLC, Davidson Rd MAZ II and MAZ III to R-10, County Water & Sewer, ~23.49 acres
Fire code requires more than one way in and out? See separate post.
- REZ-2012-18 Lakes Blvd., 1006 Lakes Blvd., C-C to C-H, County Water & Sewer, ~0.87 acres
Commissioner Powell said applicant was willing to include a restriction of no lounge bar or night club.
REZ-2012-19 Naylor Dollar General, US Hwy 84 East, E-A to C-G, Well & Septic, ~2 acres
See separate post for what little was said and some about what wasn't said.
TXT-2012-02 MAZ II Residential Density
The Chairman wants everybody to read the documents; the same Chairman who refuses to release draft documents. See separate post.
Decorative Special Tax Lighting District — Walker Run (Twin Lakes Rd) 22 lots
Planner Davenport described all four of these at once, saying only Walker Run was slightly different. He then described each one slightly differently. Commissioner Powell did ask whether the county was at least in a break-even position on these lighting districts.
- Decorative Special Tax Lighting District — Laurelbrooke Phase Two (Old Pine Rd) 16 lots
- Decorative Special Tax Lighting District — Glen Laurel Phase II (Old Pine Rd) 30 lots
- Decorative Special Tax Lighting District — Quarterman Estates West Phase 1 (Whitewater Rd) 82 lots
- For Consideration
Special Tax Lighting District Correction — River North Phase I (Shiloh Rd) 26 lots
They had a complaint that residents were being charged for decorative lighting when lighting was actually standard. County Planner Davenport said that turned out to be true, so a resolution was needed so the Tax Commissioner could provide refunds.
Exclusive Franchise Agreement for Residential Solid Waste Collection Services with Advanced Disposal Services of Central Alabama, Inc.
Did ADS get Veolia? See separate post.
- Budget Calendar FY 2013
Budget Director Stephanie Black reminded the Commission they have to have a budget approved by June 30th 2013. No questions from Commissioners.
Georgia Department of Transportation Local Maintenance & Improvement Grant
County Engineer Mike Fletcher said no T-SPLOST means a 30% match is needed for LMIG, and County Manager Joe Pritchard muddied the waters about where that money was going to come from; see separate post.
Adopt Resolution accepting infrastructure for Ivy Gate Subdivision
Apparently they're connecting to county water.
- Funding Approval for the purchase of a new Netclock
911 Center Director Danny Weeks said it's for public safety, due to a change of format in transmitted signal.
- Funding Approval for a new 911 Phone System and continued maintenance
911 Center Director Danny Weeks said upgrades were required due to obsolecense of previous system, and he had negotiated a price some $200,000 less than it started out at. Commissioner Powell asked if he recommended maintenance as well, and he said he did.
- New Main Library — Construction Manager At Risk Selection
More rigorous scoring is a good first step, but what about those public hearings, like Houston County had; Houston County where their SPLOST passed in a landslide? See separate post for details.
Refunding Revenue Bonds
The county stands to save more than a million dollars on refinancing bonds, through some shadowy Public Facilities Authority. See separate post.
- Bid- Demolition of the Courthouse Annex
Purchasing Manager Lisa Burton said contractors would be responsible for a wide variety of tasks, and the county got three bids:
- Reports
- County Manager
- Thursday and Friday 13-14 December Santa Claus at the old courthouse
- 4PM Friday 14 December 2012 Groundbreaking for demolition of Courthouse Annex
- About 4:30PM Friday 14 December 2012 Parting reception for Chairman Paulk
- 10AM 27 December 2012 Swearing-in of new Commissioners Chairman-elect Bill Slaughter and new Commissioners Demarcus Marshall and John Page, as well as re-elected Commissioner Joyce Evans.
- Thursday and Friday 20-21 December Santa Claus at the old courthouse
- CALEA Report
Tomorrow night.
- Citizens Wishing to be Heard Please State Name And Address
That's only in the Regular Session, tonight at 5:30 PM.