Someone asked who to vote for who will represent the people more than the electric utilities, on Elect Georgia legislators and Public Service Commissioners who will let the sun shine on Georgia! OK, here's my opinion.
Sec. State provides you with a sample ballot.
For PSC, vote for somebody who isn't an incumbent (the incumbents are marked on the ballot). The election today is a primary, so you need to select a Democratic ballot (Steve Oppenheimer District 3 is not an incumbent) or a Republican ballot (Pam Davidson District 5 and Matt Reid District 3 are not incumbents).
For the legislature, here is a list of who voted for the nuke stealth tax as a charge on Georgia Power bills for electricity nobody will get for years if ever. On your ballot, see if somebody else is running against them. Around here, somebody is: Bikram Mohanty for State Senate District 8, Teresa Lawrence for State House District 174, and JC Cunningham for State House District 175, all Democrats, since the incumbents switched parties after being elected last time.
So, if you want solar and wind energy for jobs, energy independence, and profit in the state of Georgia, instead of Georgia Power's bet-the-farm nuclear risk at Plant Vogtle and Southern Company's natural gas fracking, that's who I would vote for.
If, like me, you didn't already vote early, today is the final day to vote in this primary, and you and I'll be going down to the precinct polling place to cast a ballot. Today's the day!
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